Like the title says
I know what wikipedia says about JD Vance, and his history, but what I don’t understand is how someone no one has ever heard of could just become the Vice President overnight, and beyond what I can see on TV, I have no proof he’s an actual person.
Like, Trump we know is real becuase lots of people have seen him and he’s been in movies and TV shows before like in the 80s and stuff. I mean, hell he’s already been president, but what did JD Vance do? Write a book? No one knows what authors look like! He might as well be a radio host. That could be anybodys book.
Then we have the huge turn around in his opinion of trump that was all over the news when he was announced president. How can someone just change their programming like that? Which got me thinking, what if he’s actually either :
a) an AI like the kid from the Sixth Sense
b) a b-list actor hired by Peter Theil to do his bidding
While I think it’s more likely he’s the second one, lets talk about a) a bit first:
- Why I think JD Vance is an AI:
So, I hear a lot of people saying that JD Vance is basically owned by Peter Theil right? and Peter Theil is one of the uber rich tech crowd with a company that specificaly develops AI for the military and US govt. Well, what if that’s more true than people realize and Peter Theil actually DOES own JD Vance, who is just a hyper advanced AI robot? I mean have you seen the stuff they’ve been showing at AI and robotics trade shows lately?
China has a kung fu robot, why woudl it be so far fetched for a tech billionaire to create his own AI robot that he controls and make it be president? It could theoretically live forever and woudl even be assassination proof.
This could explain why it says such bizarre things as “have you ever said thank you even once” or why it has trouble ordering sandwiches. It’s just a prototype and I assume there are still bugs, which is why it’s only VICE presdent and not full on President because that would be dangerous at this stage.
- Why it’s more likely JD Vance is a puppet
While all of the above I feel is perfectly plausable, I do think it is needlessly expensive when you can just hire someone to do the AI’s job, even though you’d give up the immortality part.
I think its more likely he is a washed up child actor who has had some plastic surgery to disguise himself, since he’d be known from movies and shows he’s been in otherwise. If you’re going to pick someone to do a job like pretend to be the Vice President, you’d have to pick someone who’s acting skills were decent, but not good enough to really stand out, and with a mostly forgettable face.
So far, no one has been able to convince me that JD Vance did not play the role of Al Borland in Tim Allen’s Home Improvement, though I realize his age might not fit the timeline.
Alternatively, (and this is actually spooky with the AI thing, but i guess he probably isn’t both) he might just be Haley Joel Osmand (or one of the other members of the Joel Osmand family) after having a small bit of facial surgery. Since they’re about the same age it’s possible “JD Vance” got his start acting in movies like AI and the Sixth Sense. It’d also explain how he met a billionaire and became friends with him, since he was already friends with Bruce Willis and Bruce was on Epstein’s list.
Anyway, why would they let some hillbilly guy who bashed Trump suddenly be his running mate if he wasn’t already under control the whole time.
dunno just some late night thinking :)
“Person” is a strong word.
I don’t think so, Tim.