If they do it, do it exactly as written. The ‘television colored sky’ is grey and the spaceship pilot has never heard of a computer virus. Wallet sized VCRs, baby! That’s the future I want to see!!
Why did it have to be Apple tv?
Apple TV have pretty good success with tv shows
And to their credit, they usually see them through to the end – unlike Netflix
yeah… like they did with the adaptation of Foundation (/sarcasm… they royally screwed over Asimov)
Severance, Silo, For All Mankind, Dark Matter
To be sure, Foundation was very different - but it absolutely had (has) some good invented parts (Such as the Cleons)
Didn’t know if the adaptation until now, but of all the streaming services at the moment I would have probably bet this were on Apple and that it’ll likely be a good thing for the adaptation.