I can’t wait for the spectacular implosion
I for one can’t wait for Dan Olson (Folding Ideas) to do a feature length deep dive takedown of it soon :D
That’d be a lot nicer than Ed Zitron non-stop unthinking whiny critique. I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone I agree with being so unpleasant to listen to
as someone who grew up in an “old timey” baptist church, I am 100% comfortable with someone yelling things at me that I agree with, but ymmv.
Yeah, preaching emotions over critical thought sounds like better offline. I literally cancelled my premium Spotify because they didn’t give me a way to stop that show from auto playing after behind the bastards
i love spock hes my favorite part of the vulcan api
whew that’s sure a word choice right there
Do you have a point to make?
do you?