Reposting this here to bring some life to this community.
Feature: For multiplayer servers, added a connection queue for when a game server is full (Experimental, off by default. Set MaxClientsInQueue in serverconfig.json to a value above 0 to activate it - the number determines how many players are allowed to sit waiting in the queue)
Feature: For multiplayer, added a ModWhiteList for better control of used mods on game servers (set via serverconfig.json)
Tweak: The decorative chimney block now covers entire bottom of block, and provides a solid downward face for creating a room
Tweak: Interactions with a tamed Elk, such as mounting/unmounting and attaching/removing attachments, is now only possible for the Elk’s owner. (As a reminder, attach a medallion to an Elk’s brow to claim ownership)
Tweak: Further reduced spawn quantity of new mobs during Temporal Storms
Tweak: Some animals need to be of a certain generation before they can be roped. Goats are now rope tieable
Tweak: Added tongs transforms to a large number of metal and ceramic items
Performance tweaks:
- Fix a source of server-side lag spikes (Technical info: Addresses 5-200ms despawn times for individual entities, entities should now be despawning in microseconds)
- Reduce server RAM use by approximately 82MB through reducing duplicate Block/Item/Entity data
- Doubles the client side framerate around lots of entities, e.g. when spawning 2000 chickens
- Reduce overkill butterfly spawn attempts
Tweak: Reduce error log spam when too many sounds get loaded, now prints a notification 2x per second instead
Tweak: On client startup, silently re-try to verify the single player session a second time if the first one fails
Tweak: Allow /wgen pregen command to be run from console
Tweak: On World creation when the worldname is empty choose a random one again
Tweak: Fix role change audit log: caller name, role and target player name were not in the correct order
Tweak: Update community translations
Fixed: Should permanently fix player phasing into blocks when getting damaged
Fixed: Minimap opening at game start when it was supposed to be turned off
Fixed: Beehive Kiln instantly firing blocks inside
Fixed: Colors in character customization screen now named correctly
Fixed: Should prevent tamed Elks attacking players after suffering fall damage and similar
Fixed: Should fix Elk teleporting into Lava/Boiling water
Fixed: Water rendering at the wall of a solid block (e.g. on a chiseled trough)
Fixed: Light brown raw daub recipe only allow each sand to work with one clay type, rather than either sand with either clay type.
Fixed: Rift Ward was blocking rifts even when not activated
Fixed: Devastated soil and rock were chiselable
Fixed: Treasure Hunter Trader should drop item when giving a map to a player whose inventory is full
Fixed: Treasure maps could get broken by regenerating/deleting chunks and cause server-side errors
Fixed: 2nd Story Chapter boss stuck in mid air
Fixed: Land Claims would not work properly for large ones like the Devastation area after a restart
Fixed: Maybe fixes players able to break the Jonas lens on the tower
Fixed: Chat not opening on Broadcast messages like Temporal Storm warnings.
Fixed: Command: Waypoint modify command did not check the waypoint index correctly and could cause an error
Fixed: Server throwing an exception when the masterserver sends an invalid response
Fixed: Rare issue where player group commands op/deop/kick would not work properly on some servers
Fixed: Can pick up ingot molds while holding a mold
Fixed: Overhead chat message no longer displayed
Fixed: Log spam with charcoal pits when it has ground stored objects inside the charcoal pit (BlockFirepit.IsFirewoodPile)
Fixed: Server side exceptions thrown by a bowl of meal in water
API Change: Certain elements of blocks, items and entities which are intended for use on client-side only - for example, Textures and ShapeInventory - are now null on a server after game start. (Mods are not expected to make use of these on the server-side: if a coded mod experiences new “Object reference not set” errors in game versions 1.20.4+, it may need to check its code to ensure that code referencing these things runs only on client-side.)
API Change: Added Block.CanAcceptFallOnto() method, for thread safety this must be used if implementing Block.OnFallOnto()