I hope this is resolved and, if this has stolen and repurposed photos of some person, the perpetrator is penalized.
This is hyper-fuckin-weird.
Seems like she got banned from her own discord server, it seems.
She’s either autistic or the victim of some kind of obsessional person. Imagine a friendship or relationship ending and you use the photos and personal info you have to… Make the person a laughing stock? Ruin their reputation? Make them a cult weirdo? All without this person knowing. Or maybe the plan is for her to find out eventually? I think she looks eastern European.
This left me thinking. What if the person behind this actually has nudes of her, but is waiting for critical mass or even her identity to come up before extortion? She could be getting blackmailed already for all we know, “look, every day more and more people are getting familiar with your looks… Would be a shame if those nudes got leaked”
If it was a plan to ruin their reputation, why on lemmy where there are like 4 people?
Polish, perhaps?
Yes! Now you said it she looks very similar to a polish woman I know.
is her name Nicole? does she live in Toronto?
Feels more like cyberbullying rather than stalking.
Doxxing maybe. I censored the address because of that.