Lmfao tuberville couldn’t reason his way out of a 10-foot section of 5-foot diameter storm drain pipe
He wants the rest of the country dragged down so far that Alabama is actually not the worst.
Tommy is the dumbest person in the US Congress, and that’s saying a lot.
Alabama had to elect a football coach and they couldn’t even make it the smart one
Roy Moore being a straight-up pedophile was barely enough to get Doug Jones elected.
I’m honestly past the point where I get angry at the absolutely biblically stupid shit Alabama does on the regular. It’s to the point now where I feel more of a sense of horrified awe - like watching a person stab themself, or something like that.
Back from what, prosperity?
If Trump’s goal was really to bolster domestic manufacturing and other industries, I support that. The way he’s going about tariffs has been incredibly dumb though. One, he seems to think it’s a way to punish a country. It’s not clear why he’s picking the biggest fights with our allies, either. Claiming it’s about fentanyl and migrants is absurd. Then also, the admin has regularly lied about who pays tariffs and how they work. Trump also says incredibly stupid things like “once we have hundreds of billions in tariffs coming in, we’re going to be so rich”.
And if he really wanted to encourage people to switch to domestic production, introducing them gradually would make more sense to give companies time to build factories and whatnot. But also they’re not going to make investments with no guarantee that the tariffs will be around d in 5 years. Also, there are some products that simply can’t be produced in the US because we don’t have the resources - why tax those? Such as fertilizers and lumber from canada? What’s the point? Why not just selectively tariff things for industries he wants to promote?
So in real life it seems Trump is just harming consumers, picking fights with our allies, regressive shifting tax burdens, and wrecking the economy. Hmm.
He has a deficit in abstract thinking, so resource extraction (oil) and low-value commodity goods manufacturing and about as far as he goes, while he chases scientific research, knowledge industries, and long-horizon efforts out.
it doesn’t make sense to him that we should keep the beautiful parts of our country, beautiful, like Forest and national wildlife preserves, and make our money from culture, tech, finance, communication services, etc. while we buy oil and lumber from elsewhere.
The whole “China is taking advantage of us” thing is a hoot - the reason those factories are in china is because American management and corporate boards took great advantage of cheap labor and very intentfully moved production.
It’s a way to destroy the economy and let the oligarchy come in and buy up everything at bargain prices. Watch how many companies get “acquired” in the next six months by all the billionaires sucking MAGA dong right now.
Destroying the economy also allows them to write bills to give trillions to companies “too big to fail” just like the automaker bailouts, bank bailouts, and PPP loans.
Economic conservatives my ass.
Tuberville is another Russian stoogie trying to destroy America’s standing in the world.
I am pretty sure Tuberville is just that stupid. No one had to pay him off in any way
Is today opposite day?
Getting our country back… To what? Have any of these MAGA morons actually said what they expect from all this?
Is that the smartest politician Alabama could (in-)breed?