There’s this book. Sequel to Wrinkle in Time i think. Where this kid brings up the subject of mitochondria in class. Gets pummeled for it.
This has got to be the funniest summary of A Wind in the Door
Lmao I was watching an episode of ST: Voyager the other day and a little girl learning about mitochondria said they were the “warp core of the cell”. That phrase is ridiculously pervasive
What’s with americans and mitochondria ?
The phrase “Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell” was coined in a 1957 article by biologist Philip Siekevitz. It apparently rattled around in the English lexicon until 2013, when a tumblr user by the handle apatheticghost posted the following:
what I learned in school
I am a fucking piece of shit
everybody else is also a piece of shit
mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
This blew up in popularity and variations emerged that replaced the first two items with various social commentary, but always kept the mitochondria line. It stood for a kind of universal frustration students have with school, that a lot of the curriculum feels like memorizing game show trivia answers rather than useful or practical skills applicable to adult life. Loads of us have no idea how the tax system works but we can all parrot biology factoids.
The phrase became one of those catchphrase in-jokes. A bit like how you can’t say 69 without saying “nice” anymore.
My on personal Mandela Effect: I’d swear I’m from the parallel universe where the phrase comes from the Bill Nye The Science Guy theme song, but apparently I’m thinking of “Inertia is a property of matter.”
Can we take a step back and just appreciate how good Bluey is?
Challenging but accessible
Emotional depth
Not disgusting annoying
I really appreciate when kids shows are made with parents/guardians in mind (ie will watching the same episode 50 times make you want to off yourself or not)
It’s really amazing. The only (not really) downside is that certain episodes make me tear up.
You will also have to enslessly play the games they’re playing.
I haven’t actually been able to watch the special episode properly because my wife and daughters are too busy crying. I do love how stripe is kicked out of the bushes by Wendy
It was ruined for me when I was getting my masters in genetics and learned that “mitochondria” is plural, and the singular is “mitochondrion.” So, it’s either “the mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell” or “the mitochondrion is the powerhouse of the cell,” and neither feel right.
Why have you done this to us?!
A grammatical error in a translation from a foreign galactic basic to English is what ruined the force for you? Lol. If we can believe in defying gravity, I think we can believe “The iceburgs is the ship’s fear.”
Bro. What lol.
Idk, just a dumb joke about star wars
I was with you until the last line, lol, had me scratching my head and wondering if I was okay
Weakness would have made more sense then fear, but that ship already sailed. If it’s going to Titanic I’m going to pretend I can’t change course now
I’m a big fan of saying weird shit and leaving it up, cheers fellow weirdo.