So it’s a bit of a catch22 situation… Shutdown the government by blocking the new CR or have the government demolished by accepting the new CR …
But the government will get derailed regardless.
The one thing that seems to be overlooked is that the Democrats are supposed to give opposition/resistance to the Republican plans, which does mean blocking a bad new proposal …
If it were up to me I’d use whatever media I can find and prior to the vote just loudly announce being against the new regulations, so just pre-empt republican fingerpoiting and take the sting out of their shutdown accusations…
I would rather shut down the government than allow the changes to who controls the money.
If Democrats vote yes on this then the spending power of congress gets handed to Trump/Musk.
If this passes then congress no longer has control of tax dollars
To go stand on his soap box and talk a big game a couple days ago, and then pull this bullshit is just a slap in the face. This screams collusion or bribery or some other shady shit. It used to be a conspiracy theory to say this, but, there ain’t two parties. Its one party and a few outliers that aren’t invited to the party.
And this is how you get folks to stay home on the couch in 2026.
And then yell at them in comment sections when the democrats lose to fascists again.
If you don’t vote for them… They will lose…
They’re not a hockey team where it doesn’t matter if you participate as a fan or not. If they don’t get votes then they don’t get political power.
Who are the facists in this context? Shubert or the guys he’s voting with? Asking as im not based in us
Thanks. Im not very good with names
I was just poking fun, not trying to hurt anyone’s feelings…
All good - i missed the c. I’m not republican. I’m not even a united-stater but norwegian
Edit: no, you cant have our eggs
What an irrational response that would be. I see this as even more reason to not be ambivalent.
It is stupid to threaten the GOP with a shutdown.
The GOP is already trying to dismantle the government. A shutdown would just help them do it faster.
A shutdown would just help them do it faster.
If this were true GOP lawmakers would be pushing for a shutdown themselves.
I think the most honest answer is nobody knows what would happen after a shutdown with this administration because they’ve just been making up federal law as they go this whole time anyway, but really the fact that Schumer and Fetterman want this bill to pass while Sanders Warren and AOC want it to fail should be all you need to know to know.
If this were true GOP lawmakers would be pushing for a shutdown themselves.
Weird how every time this is brought up, they dodge the comment, yet continue to get mad at Dems trying to do the one thing that would have stopped Trump.
I wonder why that is!
As a non US person, it is deeply sad to read this two party crap even at this advanced stage of the collapse of your country. When are you lot going to learn that you already don’t have an impartial head of state, you don’t have impartial supreme court. Everything is political in USA. So you really fcking want to make sure you have more than 3 parties. You’re still not thinking outside the box, and you’re keeping this us them dynamic alive.
With the weaponisation of the DOJ, the dems have Kompromat on them too. They are all scared. They are all walking the same line. That’s why Bernie is so powerful, and people are doubting if AOC is up for the job.
The GOP is infected by Trump and anything from the McCain era is long gone. The DEMs have failed to lead since Obama. There are no two parties left. There is a carcass of an old political establishment leftover, and the only guy saying anything that makes sense is a geriatric that can drop dead any day.
Two parties will always get you to this kind of impasse. Truly saddening to see the lack of creative political thinking on a progressive platform like Lemmy.
What exactly do you expect us to do besides a violent revolt?
Violent revolt and sign an improved constitution
This Nazi run government has to be shutdown period.
if the cr passes then the administration will have a substantial slush fund from the departments and agencies that have been scuttled with which to do whatever they want with. a shutdown is really bad but the other options are worse. this is harm reduction
I don’t like Schumer, or anyone in Democratic leadership, honestly, but I want people to think through how a government shutdown would go. A shutdown would almost immediately be felt by many people, as services stop, federal buildings and parks close, and people stop getting paid. These are all things people don’t like, and they are also all things the Trump Admin are trying to do, despite being deeply unpopular.
A government shutdown right now because the Democrats blocked a spending bill would be met with wall to wall coverage in the corporate media about the Democrats blocking the bill. The Trump Admin and the right-wing media would then have carte blanche to blame the Democrats for everything bad about the economy that’s coming down the pipe due to Trump’s disastrous policies. Unemployment? Closed offices? National Parks closed? Checks not coming in? The Democrats did that!
Right now, Trump and the right-wing media don’t have a leg to stand on when they try to blame anyone but themselves. A government shutdown right now would give their lies plausibility that currently does not exist, and it would be unlikely to extract any concessions from Republicans on this bill anyway, because many of them want the government to shut down, in some cases permanently.