So the upcoming Xbox console is Windows on Arm.
That sounds significantly harder than supporting Steam Deck users but OK Epic
This totally invalidates their argument “Linux isn’t big enough to care about”. I highly doubt there are more Windows Arm gamers than Linux gamers.
They won’t or can’t get their anti-cheat/DRM in as a kernel module. Would you trust that bunch of fucks to not screw something up terribly by trying to pop in something like that?
So what’s so bad if it’s kernel level?
It is a potential security risk to the system and enables extremely intrusive control and surveillance.
It’s basically a rootkit.
They can’t even effectively prevent cheaters so I’m always suspicious what the real intent of these rootkits.
It means they expect Windows on ARM to get bigger.
If that’s the case they should not say stuff like “oh we would totally support Linux if the Steam Deck would have sold 10 million copies, the userbase is just too small now” but then proceed to support ARM which has a much smaller userbase still while there’s not even a guarantee it will outgrow Linux in the near future. Just quit the BS and say you’ll never want to support Linux.
I kinda get the argument about it, but the game is so bad I can’t be bothered to even be upset, even on their behalf.
I legit feel like Linux is better for not having it.
Fortnite is unironically a really good game, its the only game i’ve spent money on microtransactions (10 bucks) in and I would literally spend more if I could actually play it on linux.
I agree. It also runs in a lot of low to mid end setups. The only battle royale game that id still enjoyable in my opinion.
I wonder how much $$$ Microsoft is paying them for this?
Too bad that they’re missing profits by not enabling EAC support for linux.
EAC does support Linux and there’s games out there using it. It’s the kernel level stuff that won’t work because Linux refuses to support it, a decision I completely agree with. I don’t want arshole game developers fucking around in my kernel.
Well, I’m not 7 anymore, so I won’t miss Fortnite at all.