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Nina: But you HAVE to come! I’m making my secret punch.
Maya: What? Vodka and food coloring?
Nina: Who told you?!
Had to hand-craft this GIF from my DVD box set as there is a massive lack of JSM! gifs on the internet.
Side note: Vodka and food coloring is pretty much how I mix my drinks these days
This show was great!
I would subscribe to a collection of Just Shoot Me! GIFs
I may build up a collection of my favorite clips now that I’ve dug out the DVD set.
I downloaded it all a couple of years ago, but haven’t had a chance to watch it yet.
In my uni days I used to stay up until 2am watching this and eating cheese toast instead of doing my assignments.
You’re probably not supposed to use Mio and similar in straight vodka, but boy howdy, you sure can.
I found that they have semi-weird spreading in the alcohol, and definitely taste different. I always mused that it was the acidity of the flavorer not reacting like it should due to the acidity of the alcohol.