Every person that has worked in a sysadmin type role, has joked about doing something like this. Very few actually carry through with it. So, in a way, I kinda like this guy for actually doing it, even if he didn’t cover his tracks very well.
Up to 10 years is crazy. Sure, what he did was wrong, planned and malicious, and they claim it cost them tens of thousands of dollars. But 10 years? This is crazy for something that at worst would be a yearly salary of a single employee.
Fucking capitalism.
your honor, I would move to dismiss on grounds that my clients actions were based as fuck.
I’m disappointed they found so much in his search history. Do these people not have phones? In this day and age with everyone carrying a smartphone, there’s no excuse for using work computers for personal activities
Weird that these protections exist for corporations that aren’t actually people but no protections exist for the person who was fired.
yeah it’s pretty crazy. almost like government is for some things and not others, and knows it, like maybe laws were always just an excuse and tool for victim blaming. or something.
The amazing thing is that the government doesn’t get nearly as much tax income as you’d expect from these hugs companies. It’s almost as if the politicians have some other, secret motivating factor. Oh well, I guess we’ll never know.
wait, are you saying that there’s this class that are the beneficiaries of governments and laws, and it’s the same as the class that doesn’t suffer any limitations when they do stuff that the governments and laws don’t like?
and that we’re in this other class, that the laws and stuff exist to punish, but has to fund them and pay for them, or we get punished for that too?
that’s fucking crazy.
I worked for a company once that installed a remote-activation killswitch in their drivers, as a secret weapon to force the customer to stay current on their maintenance contract.
The CEO was a fuckup however, and the code killed their system even without being activated - resulting in a bunch of angry phonecalls and some of the most egregious lying I’ve ever heard.
god, he was a piece of shit
Sounds like lawsuit territory