Oh man… probably should have passed laws to regulate data harvesting and digital privacy back in the 90s
when the Internet was still just a series of tubes…
Oh no, not only the very ethical American companies get my data?
What a disaster.Tell me again how tik tok is a Chinese spy network? When they can just BUY our information like this?
Probably they are all spy networks… Not to pee in your cereal or anything.
If everything is a spy network, then nothing is
Because a lie told often enough becomes true.
Realistically, every useful idiot is afraid to say they don’t know if a Chinese company is a spy network because it’s sooooooooo obvious even asking for proof makes them look stupid.
Ironically, not asking for proof is what makes us stupid.
If something is “so obviously true” yet nobody can provide evidence for it when asked, it’s probably the propaganda mill doing its job.
We know who pushed for the TikTok ban and why.
Imagine uncontroled popular mass media.